is a set of GopherJS bindings for Facebook’s React, a Javascript library for building interactive user interfaces.

go get -u

This is not the first attempt at creating bindings for React: takes a slightly different approach to all the above, making extensive use of code generation so that the writing of components in Go code is as lightweight, simple and idiomatic as possible.

This blog post walks you through creating your first GopherJS React web application.


GopherJS is a transpiler, that re-writes Go source code into Javascript code. GopherJS’s principal target is Javascript that will be loaded within the browser (as opposed to NodeJS which is more server or CLI-based) and so is ideally suited to web applications that need an interactive user interface.

React is a Javascript library for building user interfaces. Components are the fundamental building block of a React application. Components have their own state and can easily be composed to make more complex user interfaces. is a Go package that allows you to build React components and web applications. Components are declared in Go code that is then transpiled using GopherJS into Javascript code that is loaded within the browser via an HTML page like any other web app.

Hello World is an example GopherJS React application.

Writing your own GopherJS React web app

The simplest way to start a new web app is via reactGen. reactGen can initialise a new web app but it is also acts as the code generator that generates helper methods and functions as we write our React components (more of that later).

Let’s first create a directory for our new web app:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/

# change into the directory we just created
cd $_

Now let’s ensure we have the relevant packages available and that our PATH environment variable is set correctly:

go get -u
go get -u

# amend PATH to include target for gopherjs and reactGen
export PATH="$(dirname $(go list -f '{{.Target}}'$PATH"

At this point you should be able to run reactGen -help to check it outputs something like:

        reactGen [-init <template>]
        reactGen [-gglog <log_level>] [-licenseFile <filepath>] [-core]

        indicates we are generating for a core component (only do props expansion)
  -gglog string
        log level; one of info, warning, error, fatal (default "fatal")
  -init value
        create a GopherJS React application using the specified template (see below)
  -licenseFile string
        file that contains a license header to be inserted at the top of each generated file

The flag -init is very basic and only understands two value for now: minimal or
bootstrap. Both give you a minimal Gopher React application, the latter applies
a basic Bootstrap ( template.


Let’s now create a template GopherJS web app:

# our current directory is $GOPATH/src/
reactGen -init bootstrap

We can now tell GopherJS to serve our web application to see the fruits of our labour:

gopherjs serve

If you navigate to http://localhost:8080/ the resulting web app should look something like this:

Hello World

The following list roughly summarises the sequence of events:

  • reactGen -init bootstrap creates our basic web app: app.go, gen_App_reactGen.go, index.html and main.go. This is essentially a Go main package (with the import path given the directory in which we created it)
  • main.go declares the main() function; app.go declares a basic React component, App, which renders the simple <div>, <h1> and <p> elements that make up our web app
  • gopherjs serve effectively does two things: transpiles the .go files into helloworld.js and then serves index.html and helloworld.js from http://localhost:8080/;
  • The browser loads index.html and in the process loads helloworld.js via the <script> directive:
<script src="helloworld.js"></script>
  • Because our helloworld package is a main package, a side effect of loading helloworld.js is to run the main() function the package declares. This is therefore the entry point for our web application:
func main() {
	domTarget := document.GetElementByID("app")
	react.Render(App(), domTarget)
  • React renders the App component within the <div> with ID "app" which we see declared in index.html

Once react.Render is called, we effectively hand-off into the React world and the React Component Lifecycle takes over.

Creating a new component

The App component created as part of the skeleton web app is very basic. Let’s look at creating our own component, FooBar, within the package and amending the App component to use FooBar. FooBar will define some simple props and maintain some basic state to demonstrate the two key aspects of React components. The code that follows defines the component and the code comments describe important aspects of the code:

// foo_bar.go

package main

import (


//go:generate reactGen

// FooBarDef is the definition of the FooBar component. All components are
// declared with a *Def suffix and an embedded
// field
type FooBarDef struct {

// FooBarProps is the props type for the FooBar component. All props types are
// declared as a struct type with a *Props suffix
type FooBarProps struct {
	Name string

// FooBarState is the state type for the FooBar component. All state types are
// declared as a struct type with a *State suffix
type FooBarState struct {
	Age int

// FooBar is the constructor for a FooBar component. Given that this component
// can take props (can, not must), we add a parameter of type FooBarProps
func FooBar(p FooBarProps) *FooBarElem {
	// every component constructor must call this function
	return buildFooBarElem(p)

// Render is a required method on all React components. Notice that the method
// is declared on the type FooBarDef.
func (f FooBarDef) Render() react.Element {

	name := f.Props().Name
	age := f.State().Age

	details := fmt.Sprintf("My name is %v. My age is %v", name, age)

	// all React components must render under a single root. This is typically
	// achieved by rendering everything within a <div> elememt
	return react.Div(nil,
				OnClick: ageClick{f},
			react.S("Bump age"),

// ageClick implements the react.OnClick interface to handle when the "Bump
// age" button is clicked
type ageClick struct{ FooBarDef }

// OnClick is the ageClick implementation of the react.OnClick interface
func (a ageClick) OnClick(e *react.SyntheticMouseEvent) {
	s := a.State()

At this point we need to run go generate within the directory $GOPATH/src/ to generate the helper methods and functions that complete our definition of the FooBar component. Once you have run go generate you will see that the file gen_FooBar_reactGen.go has been created.

So what did reactGen do?

  • it detects components you’ve declared, based on the *Def name suffix of a struct type and the embedded field
  • it detects a component’s corresponding props and state types based on struct types named *Props and *State
  • it generates some helper methods on your component definition type and the props and state types, e.g. func (f FooBarDef) State() FooBarState
  • writes the generated code to a file named gen_COMPONENT_reactGen.go, e.g. gen_FooBar_reactGen.go

So now our new component is ready to use. Let’s update the App component’s Render() method to use it:

// app.go

// ...

func (a AppDef) Render() react.Element {
	return react.Div(nil,
		react.H1(nil, react.S("Hello World")),
		react.P(nil, react.S("This is my first GopherJS React App.")),

				Name: "Peter",

Now refresh the page in your browser and the we should see something like:

Hello World 2

Clicking the button bumps Peter’s age as expected.

At this point it’s left to the reader to examine the definition of FooBar above and understand how the props and state are used within the Render() method.


In this blog post we have:

  • presented a basic introduction to creating GopherJS React components and web applications using
  • seen how reactGen is used to initialise skeleton web apps but also as a code generator when creating components
  • gotten a flavour for component props and state and how components can be composed to create larger web applications.

For more details see the godocs and the README and please feel free to raise issues with any problems/questions.

† - for the purposes of this walkthrough we assume a simple, single element $GOPATH. If you have a multi-element $GOPATH please adjust as required
&ddagger; - see also gopherjs -help for more details. You can of of course use gopherjs -build to transpile to Javascript and then serve yourself.

Update 2017-04-17: improve wording in a couple of places.
Update 2017-05-23: fix up example post interface-based event changes.
Update 2017-07-26: updates following breaking changes introduced in
Update 2017-08-15: move away from named imports for simplicity.